David is the 'Star of the Week' for Week 5.
David has worked hard all week to stay focused on what he is meant to be doing.
He is a great role model showing us how to sit on the mat. He settles to his work quickly and quietly.
David, it's great to have you in Room 13, we are proud of you.
On Friday we did some problem solving. We had to work in groups to sort teddy bears. We each read a clue then put the right coloured bear in the right place in the line. Some of us found it a bit tricky, but we managed to solve the problem in the end.
*Library day is Monday - please bring library books back on Monday
*Poetry books go home on Fridays for weekend reading. These books need to be brought back to school on Monday so the new poem can be glued in.
*Some children's white board markers are becoming very sad - they either have squashed nibs or are running out. It would be a great help if you could purchase a new white board pen for your child.
*We are still keen to obtain old t-shirts for art shirts.
*Fair news: this week we will be collecting mystery bottles. These can be placed in the black bin in Room 13. Any other fair items can also be placed in this bin.
Thanks for all your support with life in Room 13 - we do appreciate it.