Monday, September 27, 2010

Week 10's 'Star of the Week'

The 'Star of the Week' for Week 10 is Matthew.
Matthew has been trying really hard to stay on task this week. He has also been using nice manners.
Thank you, Matthew, it's great to have you in Room 13.

It's hard to believe that Term 3 is now over. I have had a great term and am really pleased with the way the children applied themselves to their learning. They have all made progress, showing that they are 'Stepping Up for Success'. A big THANK YOU must go to you at home. Your support is what makes the difference to your child's learning and I do appreciate it.

We sadly farewelled MinSeo as she is heading back to Korea in the holidays.
We will really miss you, MinSeo. You go with our love and prayers.

I wish you all a safe and happy holiday and look forward to seeing you back a school on Monday 11 October. I also wish Happy Birthday to Emily, Emilie, and Lance who will all turn 6 over the holidays.
Take care.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Jake and James Play for Us

On Friday afternoon Jake brought James, the singer, to Room 13 to sing some songs for us. They played their guitars. Their guitars sounded different. We were very excited to hear them. We danced to the music. We liked the singing.
Thanks, Jake and James, you are awesome.
By Room 13

Monday, September 20, 2010

Term 3 Week 10

Two Room 13 people received certificates at today's school assembly
Emily received a 'Special Character' Award. 
Emily is a kind and caring person. She is tolerant of her classmates and is a good role model. She is helpful and caring.
Emily works hard, Stepping Up For Success. 
We are blest to have Emily in Room 13.
Congratulations, Emily, we are proud of you.

Benj also received a certificate. Benj has been working hard at reading and he now knows 25 words. Keep up the good work, Benj.
Congratulations, Benj, we are proud of you.

At assembly the Junior Syndicate shared about the pōwhiri. Some children talked about what we did, we showed some photos, and we sang the songs for the rest of the school. 

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Week 9's 'Star of the Week'

Our 'Star of the Week' is Lucy.
Lucy has worked hard this week, getting on with what she is meant to be doing and doing her best. 
Lucy has also been a good role model showing us how to sit on the mat.
Thanks you, Lucy, it's great to have you in Room 13.

We have had a busy week back at school. On Thursday the Junior Syndicate held a Pōwhiri in our hall. Room 13 were part of the tangata whenua - the people who belong here. We welcomed Rooms 1, 2, and 12 who were the manuhiri - visitors. The children participated fully, showing respect through out the pōwhiri. We have written about this event - see some of our recounts below.

On Thursday we went to the powhiri and listened to Mr Bonisch say some words. Then Mrs Culling said something. Then the boys did a wero. Then we sang. Then we had some kai. By Emilie

On Thursday the Junior School has a powhiri. We had it in the hall. Room Four and Room Three and Room 13 was the tangata whenua. Room One and Room Two and Room Twelve was the manuhiri. Then Mr Bonisch sis a speech. Then Mrs Culling did her mihi. She comes from Scotland. The year three boys did a hongi with Room Twelve boys. The boys did the wero. Then the manuhiri got to have the kai which was a biscuit. Then we went to have a biscuit. Then we got to choose a child from the manuhiri and ask if we could play with them. I choose Olivia that is Emma’s sister. Then we went back to our classes. Some classes might be doing story writing like we are. By Bailey

I sit down to watch the wero. By Lucy

On Thursday we did a Junior Syndicate. Then the karanga girls came out and they said Nau mai haere mai Nau mai haere mai Tena koutou E hoa ma Kua tae mai nei I tenei wa No reira ra E hoa ma Kia ora rat i mai Nau mai E tenei wa No reira Koutou katoa. Then Regan and his helperscame too. We were the tangata whenua and the manuhiri were opposite us. Then there was a speech. Then we had kai. Then we had a play with the manuhiri. Then it was morning tea. By Flynn

On Thursday the 3 boys was doing the wero and I was happy seeing those boys look stunning with those rulers. By Lance

Next week is the last for Term 3. At Monday's assembly we will be sharing about our pōwhiri. On Tuesday we will be having a Social Justice liturgy. We can wear a national costume from our country of origin. On Friday we can wear mufti if we bring a chocolate item for the school fair.
Have a great weekend.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Week 9 School Assembly

Today Flynn received a certificate at our school assembly.
Flynn is a great reader. He uses lots of strategies when he reads and he has made great progress. 
Congratulations, Flynn, we are proud of you. Keep working hard.

It was great to see everyone back at school today. We have enjoyed catching up with our friends and getting back into our school routines. We talked about the big earthquake, the after shocks, and what we did to keep ourselves safe. We had an earthquake drill practice and everyone was calm and sensible. Some of us wrote about the earthquake. Here are our stories:

I looked at the window. I am at Dad’s work. Dad’s work is in town. By Zac

When the earthquake shook I was scared. I was at my Grandma’s. I was safe because I knew lots of things about earthquakes. By Matthew

After the earthquake I felt really scared because I was at Gemma’s house and not with my Mum. Dad came and picked us up. By Molly

I was scared. We checked the road. The light was broken. It was fun. By Benj

I went all around the town on the earthquake day. I got bored because there were too many buildings with bits on the ground. By Nico

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Molly is 6

Molly is 6 today. She had a few friends around to help her celebrate.
We hope you enjoy being 6 Molly.
I called in to see Molly and also saw Alannah, Gemma, and Zac as well as their Mums and brothers and sisters. I enjoyed spending time with you all. Thanks to Molly's Mum for the coffee, food, and yummy birthday cake, and to Molly for sharing your birthday with me.
It has been a pretty strange week. We can thank God that we are all ok. Hopefully we will be able to return to school soon and try to get back into our normal routines. You all remain in my thoughts and prayers.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Star of the Week for Week 7

Our 'Star of the Week' for Week 7 is Jason.
Jason is a quiet worker who works hard, especially at reading.
He is also a great role model, showing us how to sit on the mat.
Thank you Jason, it is great to have you in Room 13.

WOW! What a start to the weekend. I have been thinking of you all. I trust you are ok and that there is no damage to your homes. 
My family and home are alright, with only a few things broken. 
We can thank God for his protection.